Wednesday, November 9, 2016

November 9, 2106

If you need me, I'll be sitting here for a while. 



Cagey-C said...

That looks about right.

Tom said...

Me too.

Jill Hamilton said...

Cagey-C and Tom, love wins though. right? right?????????

ps see newer post

Christopher said...

Took me a bit to figure out what this meant. (I'm a little slow).

Donald said...

As if we were lacking for it, another source of dramatic tension: which way will IBWMW turn as we seek solace in the bedroom?

Will it be in escapism, with more dingbat devices, costumes, and the arch bemusement we find in their description? Will it be in more character descriptions, such as the dominatrix who pops out of a tart with bunny ears? Maybe a rehash of the Ellen Willis essay on the classical and the baroque (A frilly nightgown is a baroque fantasy with classical content. Food anywhere other than in the mouth is super baroque.)

Or maybe a halting, tentative move in the direction of real sex for real people? Certainly there's a lot of phony out there. And maybe even a sex blog on real sex for real people would draw a surprising amount of user-generated content. It would certainly be unique.

Jill Hamilton said...

Hey Christopher, when my kid was little she would stand in a corner in the back yard when she was pissed off and called it her "mad corner." i think the fuck chair serves kind of the same purpose for me.

Christopher said...

LOL. Jill, I figured it had something to do with that. Hadn't thought of the "mad corner" concept per se, but I get it; now more deeply. ;-)